Manoa [AUS]

California-born and Australian based roots artist Manoa combines uplifting reggae grooves and laid back folk melodies with soulful vocals and conscious lyrics. Manoa’s early musical influences come from growing up sailing around the Caribbean and experiencing the music of the islands.

Manoa released his latest single ’Change Is In The Air’ in 2018 and is releasing his new EP in early 2019. He is touring the new EP throughout Australia, Bali, New Zealand and America.

The music video for his new single ‘Change Is In The Air’ shot on Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah), will be launched alongside the new EP in April and was inspired by The Pacific Earth School, an urban permaculture farm and learning center the island. The song embodies the message of personal and cultural transformation through new ways of education and new ways of being connected to each other and the more-than-human world.

Torsdag 18 Juli, kl 17:30-18:30

Surfers Corner

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