Michelle Baker Meditation

Michelle Baker is a Holistic Mentor, Yoga Teacher, Ceremony Curator, Writer, Breathworker, and Reiki Master. Sweden is her home-base, but New York is her first home and where she began her journey into mindfulness and holistic living. She is the mama of the House of Alchemy, which encompasses Tiny Yoga Space and The Loft Space for Healing, which recently opened in the Swedish west-coast surf town of Varberg.

Michelle is a transformational mentor specializing in empowerment and self-worth; working with hundreds of women and men supporting them on their path of inner growth. Her work has taken her around the globe and most recently introduced her to collaborating with some wise, spirit seeking women creating and leading international retreats, and trainings.

Coffee is her vice. Food and Ceremony are her medicine.

Breathwork is an active meditation technique that allows you to develop a relationship with your breath and clear your mind and body of stuck energy. It allows you to feel where your blocks reside and actively move through them, creating a pathway for an emotional detox.

On one hand it activates you, on the other it allows you to relax and release tension while liberating limiting beliefs. It can connect you to your innate wisdom while helping you to open your heart to honest self-love, self-healing, and self-acceptance. It’s a healing modality that enables you to take better care of yourself and access your intuition in profound ways. It has been transformational in my healing journey, and such a beautiful and wild ride!

Lördag 20 Juli, kl. 10:30-11:15




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